Feb 2, 2011

I hung a cafe show yesterday. It's my second self hung show. The first one was so easy, aside from the nerves of being the first. This one. .Well, let me tell you what I learned.

1. When you scout the space, measure and check the hanging system thouroughly, and count the hangers.

2. Small paintings look miniscule on large walls.

3. Bring more tools and tape, wire, museum putty than you can imagine needing.

I'm so thankful I had help. It was so awkward working around people trying to relax in their favorite spot. I felt like a complete jerk when I asked someone to not sit there as I was just about to get that corner done. It took 2 hours because I didn't know enough about the hanging system and had a whole different arrangement in mind. Well, it's up and it was a learning experience. I also learned that I can take critisism without feeling too badly about it. An old man said to me he found one of my paintings "irritating". I'm not sure what he meant, except that he didn't like it. And I'm okay with that.