How long have you been painting? She asked. I never know how to answer that question. Forever? I mean, does finger painting in grade school count? Kinda. How about watercolors in highschool? Maybe. How about the acrylics I played with in my 20's or the craft paint I fiddled with here and there? I don't know. I've been putting quality acrylic paint on quality canvas for just 4 years. But before that I struggled with watercolor (again) and of course, I sketched and did other creative things, dabbling in a long list of arts and crafts, really, forever. So, when I'm asked how long have I been painting, the easy answer is 4 years. But it doesn't give a hint to the real, lifelong longing to be an artist or the pursuits that have built the foundation for the work I'm doing now. So, for me, it's not an easy answer. And I still don't feel like I've answered it.
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